After the war we needed to improvise. First money got earned with the trade of firewood and bean poles. Through old contacts, finally poplar wood got sold to „Welthölzer“ in Mannheim. But that was not enough as
a starting capital for a factory. Only with help of private investors, Karl Müller could realize his dream of his own parquet factory. 1956 first machinery for the at the time innovative mosaic parquet got purchased. A popular product during the post-war reconstruction period.
Caused by this diversification it was possible to fulfill a higher demand of existing customers and also to reach out to new customers. Soon, the Drüsedau company has made a name for itself as a manufacturer of specialities. Mass products have never been in focus, but always the individual needs of every purchaser. One day, coincidence brought Wolfgang and a purchasing agent of a big furniture workshop together. With the right intuition for new possibilities, this encounter grew an intense cooperation with several german furniture workshops as a supplier of solid wood skirtings. This is the spirit in which Alexander Drüsedau grew up. The family home stood right on the company‘s premises, so he grew up with the sound of saws and the smell of wood. Of course, as a little boy he already sat on the fork lift and later he earned his first money on a summer job in the manufactury. After school graduation and studies as a chartered engineer for wood technology, Alexander started the 4th generation at Drüsedau und Müller. In the meantime father Wolfgang had founded a supply factory in poland and extended the product range in germany with Solid Planks.
But times and tastes change. When carpet flooring got modern in the 70s, we got to improvise again. With Wolfgang Drüsedau jun. the next generation was already waiting in the wings. The wood technician realized fast, that he could do so much more with the Kellerwald-Oak than just mosaic parquet. So the product range got extended with Strip Parquet and Skirting Boards.
That was the product, the young engineer had to take care of. In the mid 90s, it still was an utterly irrelevant product on the parquet market. But the ecological market of building supplies already had discovered the Solid Planks for itself. At this stage there were only a few providers and what got offered was mainly in poor quality. Percise working was already known of the manufacturing of parquet. The combination with outstanding sources of raw material in poland unfolded itself as a blessing. The business with Solid Planks out of hornbeam, alder, birch and robinia flourished. That‘s how the little manufacturer from the north of Hesse got practically famous over night in the whole branch.
But the market for Solid Planks also has its boundries. Especially in large dimensions and not for customers who are looking for multiple layered flooring, suitable for underfloor heating. It was very important for the woodlovers at Drüsedau to stay true to themselves. The 2-layer engineered plank got introduced, a product with the significance of a Solid Plank combined with the technical capabilities of a multiple layered plank. Now, virtually all requirements for wooden flooring could get accomplished and the variety of products was perfect. With proud we say at Drüsedau: „We build your flooring“.
70 Years Drüsedau
A story of success!
For founder Karl Müller, wood has already been more than a material. It was a passion. This gene got inherited. Until this very day you can feel it in every product of the Drüsedau company.
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1947 was a good year. The timber merchant Karl Müller, who got displaced out of Mährisch Schönberg and his son-in-law Wolfgang Drüsedau sen. founded a little tinder trading company in the heart of germany, at the foot of the Kellerwald Forest. Without capital but a little bit of luck and a lot of self confidence, they layed the foundation for the Drüsedau und Müller company.
After the war we needed to improvise. First money got earned with the trade of firewood and bean poles. Through old contacts, finally poplar wood got sold to „Welthölzer“ in Mannheim. But that was not enough as a starting capital for a factory. Only with help of private investors, Karl Müller could realize his dream of his own parquet factory. 1956 first machinery for the at the time innovative mosaic parquet got purchased. A popular product during the post-war reconstruction period.
But times and tastes change. When carpet flooring got modern in the 70s, we got to improvise again. With Wolfgang Drüsedau jun. the next generation was already waiting in the wings. The wood technician realized fast, that he could do so much more with the Kellerwald-Oak than just mosaic parquet. So the product range got extended with Strip Parquet and Skirting Boards. Caused by this diversification it was possible to fulfill a higher demand of existing customers and also to reach out to new customers. Soon, the Drüsedau company has made a name for itself as a manufacturer of specialities. Mass products have never been in focus, but always the individual needs of every purchaser. One day, coincidence brought Wolfgang and a purchasing agent of a big furniture workshop together. With the right intuition for new possibilities, this encounter grew an intense cooperation with several german furniture workshops as a supplier of solid wood skirtings.
This is the spirit in which Alexander Drüsedau grew up. The family home stood right on the company‘s premises, so he grew up with the sound of saws and the smell of wood. Of course, as a little boy he already sat on the fork lift and later he earned his first money on a summer job in the manufactury. After school graduation and studies as a chartered engineer for wood technology, Alexander started the 4th generation at Drüsedau und Müller. In the meantime father Wolfgang had founded a supply factory in poland and extended the product range in germany with Solid Planks. That was the product, the young engineer had to take care of. In the mid 90s, it still was an utterly irrelevant product on the parquet market. But the ecological market of building supplies already had discovered the Solid Planks for itself. At this stage there were only a few providers and what got offered was mainly in poor quality. Percise working was already known of the manufacturing of parquet. The combination with outstanding sources of raw material in poland unfolded itself as a blessing. The business with Solid Planks out of hornbeam, alder, birch and robinia flourished. That‘s how the little manufacturer from the north of Hesse got practically famous over night in the whole branch.
But the market for Solid Planks also has its boundries. Especially in large dimensions and not for customers who are looking for multiple layered flooring, suitable for underfloor heating. It was very important for the woodlovers at Drüsedau to stay true to themselves. The 2-layer engineered Plank got introduced, a product with the significanceof a Solid Plank combined with the technical capabilities of a multiple layered plank. Now, virtually all requirements for wooden flooring could get accomplished and the variety of products was perfect. With proud we say at Drüsedau: „We build your flooring“.
Contact Us
Opening Hours
Mo – Fr
8.00 AM – 12.30 PM & 13.30 – 16.00 PM
Drüsedau u. Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Bahnhof Densberg
34632 Jesberg-Densberg